5 Reasons Why Your Diet May Not Be Working

  As the summer approaches, many begin to think about bath suit season and losing weight.  If you are trying to lose weight for whatever reason, you are not alone.  Gallup estimates that 51% of adults in America are trying to lose weight and 68% are considered...

When to Say When

When to Say When – April is Alcohol Awareness Month If you are like 7 in 10 adults in our country, you might enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail to celebrate, socialize or as a way of relaxing.  It’s virtually impossible to watch a sporting event on television without...

Time to Stop Procrastinating- March 4th!

Have you ever sat down to work on an important task only to find yourself spending time on Facebook, checking emails or even cleaning up your desk? If so you are not alone! In fact, March marks the month of National Procrastination Week, a holiday “celebrating”...
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