Dec 30, 2015 | Improving Your Life, Navigating Change
New Year’s Day marks the end of the holiday season and with that comes the annual tradition of setting resolutions for self-improvement. Many decide it is time to lose weight, exercise more, be nicer, get rid of clutter, spend less money or many similar healthy goals....
Oct 26, 2015 | ADHD, Mindful Living, Navigating Change, Relationships and Communication
By the end of August stores are filled with parents and students loading the cart with everything from crayons for preschoolers to sheets and towels for college students. While this transition to school can be exciting, it can also be stressful whether your child is...
Jul 12, 2015 | Improving Your Life, Mindful Living, Navigating Change, Relationships and Communication
Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer and within a few weeks schools will be ending and summer vacation will be starting. While summer can be a fun time, many parents begin to feel stressed when looking at having children home for the summer! With summer...